I don’t know what it is about boys, but they love to climb trees. I have fond childhood memories of trying to get to the very top of trees in our neighborhood and local parks. But listen up boys! ...
Do NOT try to climb this tree!
Here is the answer to this month’s
Mystery Macro. There were some nice
tries at guessing, but... It isn’t a lizard or a toad, or an animal of any kind. The guesses of
‘chocolate chip mountains’ and
‘little mountains of sand’ were certainly clever, but also incorrect. The guess of
‘beet, carrot or squash’ at least landed in the correct category: flora. However the closest guess would have to be
“I think it is a prehistoric rose vine.” But since that is also not correct, no one wins the prize dinner. Sorry folks. Maybe next time.
Here is the full size picture from which the
Mysterey Macro was taken:
Still need some explaining? Well you probably picked up on the clue: “Don’t climb