Definitions and Explanations

Some of the words or expressions that are used in this blog, although in English, may be foreign to you. Below, in alphabetical order, are definitions and explanations of these terms.

  • ALTIPLANO - This literally means “high plain”, but is the term used to refer to the extensive area of highland plateau in west-central South America where the Andes mountains are at their widest. A large portion of the Altiplano is in Bolivia. The lowest point of this plateau is at Lake Titicaca at an elevation 3,812 meters (8,372 ft) above sea level.
  • DEPARTMENT - The country of Bolivia is divided into geographical regions called “departments”. The word “State” would be the equivalent in the United States, as “Province” would be in Canada. There are nine departments in Bolivia: Beni, Chuquisaca, Cochabamba, La Paz, Oruro, Pando, Potosi, Santa Cruz, and Tarija.
  • MACRO - This is short for macro photograph or macro photography. It refers to extreme close-up photography of very small objects. Generally the image in the photograph is larger than life size.